• info@eduxi.org
  • 305 829 6780
EDUXI Comunicación para el desarrollo

Email: info@eduxi.org

Several years ago, I attended one of EDUXI’s free workshops. The expectations I had when I signed up were so far exceeded. A training process helped me develop not only my Hip-Hop skills, but also my ability to coordinate team members, help my peers, and provide general service to my community.

One of the best things about my process is that it is part of a collective, group growth, rather than a purely personal one. With the opportunities I have had, I am now part of the group of volunteers who are coordinating EDUXI’s activities.

Having the ‘famelea’ to help me focus on my purpose and goals helped me set out on my mission. Today, we fight the destructive current in the world with honor, action, and service as brothers in arms.


Team coordination: 60%
