• info@eduxi.org
  • 305 829 6780
EDUXI Comunicación para el desarrollo

It can’t be by chance that you get to EDUXI, I believe those who attend and stay are answering a call.

This “famelea” has given me the opportunity to make a difference, to change society from my community, and I see this as the opportunity to grow with them on a shared path.

Our activities aim to bring light into the lives of people who feel that they are in the midst of darkness, or who simply need some support. We perceive happiness and fulfillment differently when our ideals align with those of others and contribute to their joy.

With my experience in the administrative area, and through my volunteering, I support the organization and transparency of our activities, records, documentation, and in general, the coordination of our teams.


Team coordination: 65%


Administration: 70%


Social Media

Linkedin Guillermo Duarte